Tips for Choosing the Right Auto-body Shop
Many would say the auto body industry is very cut throat, they are a dime a dozen and chances are you can find them on every other street corner.
Here at Curry's we don't just want your business, we want you to trust us above all else.
In the event you are in need of autobody repairs we want to help you with some tips to make sure you have found the right shop to meet your needs.
1) Pay Attention to Word-of-Mouth:
Word of mouth these days goes a long way. There can be billboards mounted on every exit on I75, but if people have used that particular shop and can't say anything good listen to them...and if multiple people have said the same then don't even look their way.
2) Consider the Operation's Location and Overhead
Most autobody shops in big cities or in more expensive neighborhoods, typically feel the need to charge more because people can pay it. Just because someone can pay it doesn't mean they deserve to be ripped off.
Is the shop overstaffed based on workload?
Don't be intimidated to ask questions. It's your vehicle and pocket book at stake!!!
3) Get Several Estimates
Shop around. Don't be afraid of gathering estimates. While it may be a little time consuming in the long run it could be saving you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Don't be afraid to ask if shops will match an estimate from a local competitor either! Remember the lowest quote isn't always the best. Find some middle ground.
4) Ask the Right Questions
Don't go in with your pocket book wide open. While you certainly don't want to think people would take advantage, unfortunately it happens all to often. Ask questions such as these: Does the shop provide a written warranty? And if so, for how long? What does the warranty cover?
Don't forget to ask how long the shop has been in business. Make sure it has a business license.
5) Lastly and Most Importantly---Follow Your Intuition!
Is the shop a ghost town? Rather dirty and the staff unfriendly? If so, let those be clues to keep moving; trust your gut!!
We hope these tips will help you in the long run, but more importantly we hope we can be that shop that 'passes the test' and you feel welcomed here! Not just because we are friendly faces but because our work backs up who we say we are in every aspect of our business.
If you have any questions we would love to answer them for you. Please feel free to call us at the shop during business hours.
Serving our community with excellence,
